Monday, September 12, 2011

Don’t get SCORNED! Read Excerpt HERE NOW!

So how bad is my three day novel contest entry? Well, probably not any worse than most of the books written in 3 days.

After checking with Mellissa over at 3DNC to make sure I wouldn’t get DQ over sharing a few paragraphs, I have decided I will share the first 200 words in honor of my 200 blog followers.

This book has not been edited, in anyway shape or form. I did not even reread these words after they were typed. I can not guarantee these words are good words, or even ENGLISH words. I would imagine there are even words that are missing, but I wanted to share these with my friends who struggle with writing books—to prove that great books don’t have to be great in the first drafts—or second drafts—or third drafts--



Prick. Blood ran down my ankle in thick straight chutes. Not noticing, and definitely not caring, I swatted at the thorny vines that threatened to ensnare me as if they were flies, and nothing more.

Only they were more— they were damaging, even damning, the only beasts left in the garden to witness my final scene. Tendrils as broad as ropes stuck to my clothes and tore further at my skin as I ran. Flames burned everything else to cinder below my feet, but they could never blister anything more than fire that raged in my heart.

Dying in this inferno, amongst the wilted charred roses, and the ghost of Christmases past seemed like a better idea than living through it.

So that had been my best idea. Find a place to lay down and croak. Curl up with the remains of much happier times and fading memories that lay buried beneath the ash. It would have done me good to remember that my plans never went off without a hitch.

On the edge of Blackwood Forest, stood a gray castle. Only we weren’t supposed to call it that. Three years ago the ignorant villagers who were in love with…

Sad that you guys will have to wait until next year to see the rest of it…


Lorelei Bell said...

Well, I liked this. First draft, whatever draft. You have a good beginning. I say run with it!

Alleged Author said...

I want to hear more about the gray castle!

Karen deBlieck said...

Cool beginning. I've given you an award. Check it out:

Maria Zannini said...

A whole year?


Angela Kulig said...

Not a whole year, just like 5-6 months ;)Until the announce the winners ;)

Jemi Fraser said...

That's a great start! Definitely want to

Kelly Stone Gamble said...

Nice job! 5-6 months for more? What if you get ten more followers, do we get ten more words?

Alison Miller said...

Hurry up with more followers! I want to read more!

Great start!

Angela Kulig said...

LOL Lucy, this was my second time so it was easier. Even though I got less words than last time they were BETTER words.

Also I wrote all my books by hand THEN type them. After I was done with my draft my hand hurt all the way up to my elbow ;)

Karen said...

Ooo, can't wait to read this! :) I wrote a few paragraphs yesterday and my wrist hurt. I thought of you! <3

Anonymous said...

Such a delicious teaser.

Congrats on the 200 followers.


Anonymous said...

Thoroughly enjoyable, loved it very much =D Can't wait to read it next year...looks like your hard work paid off!