Spoiler Alert! Writers aren't well. How could they be? Everything they live for revolves around making up things in their head. People, places, whole worlds that don't really exist and made to seem real when it's quite obvious they aren't. Writers even invent relationships with fictional people.
Which is usually enough to get you committed. These themes appear in a couple of my books that are coming out this year, but I don't want to talk about fiction. I want to talk about me.
I really think I don't get enough credit for not being a violent psychopath.
Sane people don't write about skeletons. They don't write about exposed bones, or broken people with broken hearts but I do. I do, because I have a fondness for flawed people. Because I am a flawed person. Psychology plays a huge role in many of my works; not because I'm manic depressive or something, and off my meds, but because both writers and readers are obsessed with what makes people tick. Some people call that motivation. I call it, a character's diagnoses.
I'm mad, you're mad, they're all mad.
Just so we're clear.
Anyway, I told you that to tell you this. Next weekend (Jan 16ish) I'm heading out of town but I am going to leave the people on my newsletter a present first.
You remember this book? There was some drama with it. Because see, it's about writers. One of which was very similar to a character a friend of mine wrote in one of her books...also about witters. Except for how they aren't actually alike, just some of their things are alike. I have chickened out on releasing it like four times now because—because of a lot of things.
The plan is, I am going to send the people on my newsletter the first 1/3 or so of the book. It has a fantastic ending for that part—and you can tell me if you want to read the rest of it. Don't worry, there is still plenty of time to sign up.
Recently, my newsletter has grown and I have been wanting to find a way to reward those people I refer to as, "The In Crowd". I have huge plans for the list, after this. Such as: sharing exclusive short stories, and serializing a book I don't have time to release yet but is AWESOME. Special giveaways, of course, are a must. As well as other, opportunities. If you are already on the list, you don't have anything to worry about! Otherwise, fill this out: