Showing posts with label the skeleton song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the skeleton song. Show all posts

Monday, September 22, 2014

Better Together! Skeleton Lake & The Skeleton Song eBox Set SALE $1.88

People always want to know, what order to read Skeleton Lake and the prequel The Skeleton Song--hardcore fans of the series do not agree. I used to prefer them read in the order they were written, but I am no longer even sure of that.

But the best answer? The best answer is, they are best TOGETHER! Get both books and bonus content in sweet little eBox for the scary (in a good way) price of $1.88

Only need one or the other? Get Skeleton Lake here for .99. 

Get The Skeleton Song here for .99

Want to know more about The Hollows series in general? It's a dark YA Paranormal Romance.
Read about the book boyfriends in The Hollows series Book Boyfriends Month Post.

Have you read the books? Have you got them loaded up on a Kindle App somewhere? Let me know in the comments! There is maybe a really, really cool giveaway coming up for people who have reviewed the the book. No, it doesn't matter how long ago you did it either--years or days. Here is a teaser...

 Looking for the current giveaway? The 25,000 Twitter Follower Giveaway is on until 9/27 Midnight
You could win a Kindle Paperwhite, Custom Case, or tons of other prizes.

Friday, September 19, 2014

BOOK BOYFRIEND MONTH: The Boyfriends of Skeleton Lake (Raiden, Conrad, and Alex)

Skeleton Lake is on sale for .99, and Book Boyfriend month continues with the boys from The Hollows Series. Skeleton Lake is a dark YA paranormal romance. Yes, they are Skeletons. No, that's not gross. I assure you, it's probably not like you're thinking. There are many boys and men in Skeleton Lake--they're all husbands, boyfriends, or love interests; but I'm only going to talk about the three main boys today.

Looking for the Epic 25,000 Follower Giveaway? Click here.

Conrad is a broken heart wrapped in a bit of broken flesh. Some of his holes are obvious, some of them he was born with, and even more holes were caused by the repetitive wounding of those he is forced to live around. Conrad, unlike the other boys, was born at Skeleton Lake. As as a result, he lacks the ability to really exist in the normal human world. For Conrad being stubborn could be considered a positive attribute. Over-compensating is a way of life.

But it he does have some fantastic qualities too. Conrad is easily the most forgiving of all the boys at Skeleton Lake. Not that he can't hold a grudge right along with the rest of them, just that he lets go before everyone else. Even if he doesn't show it. Sometimes he's an ass because everyone expects him to be an ass. He is the best and worst sort of underdog, and I know many fangirls who have bled right along with him every time he's hurt.

Then there is Alex. Alex is Lena's boyfriend--soul mate--enough. Alex is a lot of people's favorites because he's like an amazing boyfriend when so many of the others fail miserably. He's not controlling and he doesn't need to be. Lena already gets the lifestyle and doesn't struggle against it like Marlow does, and like Cassie did before her. Alex is totally bossed around by a tiny blond and he is really, really, alright with that. Alex is supportive, sensible, and totally swoon worthy. He's a good friend, a good person, but he's totally going to hell. Nothing, I did not say that.

Lastly.... well... OK, I don't even know how to talk about Raiden without divulging major plot points. The thing is, Raiden is just as broken as Conrad but people pretend he isn't. Which is hard for him. He doesn't like being pitied, but no one really has any idea what to do with him. When Marlow is--dropped--into his life he's not ready for it and neither is anyone else. He really needs to grieve, but he's not really allowed to. He really needs space, when there is none to be found. Raiden doesn't have obvious holes--he has fault lines a mile wide and getting deeper by the day. I think the key to understanding Raiden is understanding how people grieve. Also, Raiden is the blond one.

I recently had someone write in a review say they didn't even know what the characters looked like. I thought that was kind of sad because it's there, It might not be together in one neat block of text--conveniently laid out in front of a mirror to make it easy on you--but if you will look there is far more than eye and hair color, more than angles and lips.

But the lips are kind of important.

Want more of the Skeletons? You can Also get the prequel to Skeleton Lake--the reason Raiden was broken to begin with--The Skeleton Song, on sale for .99 as well. OR get both books in a ebox set for $1.88 on Kindle

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I Still Sleep with the Light On

I still sleep with the light on. NO, it's not a metaphor.

It's not the dark that scares me. The blackness on the underside of my eyelids is worse than a moonless Halloween night an infinitely longer. What I'm afraid of is something much, much, worse. Because what I'm afraid of, is myself--what I might think up in the emptiness of a night with out the sun, or stars, or light bulbs

Spoiler Alert! I'm not exactly normal. Normal people don't write books about skeletons. Beautiful but horrible creatures. Sometimes they are nothing more than bags of brightly cover bones, all held together with bits of weak and stringy flesh. 

Or something

These are those books. These are my fears in blood and ink.

Normal people, don't write horror, thriller, paranormal--weird books for Christmas, or anytime.

Even when you think I have written a normal book--you should probably know, I don't write normal books. So, fair warning for all my  other books that aren't listed here. Just because they aren't about skeletons, doesn't mean they aren't about skeletons. 

Normal isn't breathing the life into villains with every bump in the night. Normal isn't terrible claws in darkened corners. Normal is never going to be me--but I wouldn't have much of a career if I was normal and I am totally OK with that.

This is one of those things you never think you will admit on the internet...where it will live forever and ever. But I had been thinking about for the passed couple of nights when I was sleeping alone and then last night...last night I sat in front of an open graphics editor and made the sign. The sign that says, I am not afraid of the dark. 

A lie that is very much the truth.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Labor Day #EBOOK Sale. All My Books .99

I am in day one of the Three Day Novel Contest, which I will tell you all about later. I just want to let you know all my books on Amazon are just .99. Even the box set! A Huge Impromptu sale for my best fans, while I am on the verge of ODing on Red Bull... or something.

Ebooks really are the cheapest thrills you can get!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

See the book trailer PALOOZA, then get GREEN WITH ENVY

Pay no attention to this logo... it means secret things to special people and if you don't know I'm not supposed to tell you yet.

Just kidding! My friends and I have been working on it behind the scenes for a while now. GEP is what I think is probably the first ever publishing cooperative. It's a long story and there are many, many inside jokes involved but there will be a lot more details on this soon! I just realized it was on there so I thought I should probably bring it up.

The Skeleton Song now has it's own official book trailer! Look for the release annoucement soon!

To fit in with the incrowd, Skeleton Lake now has a new book trailer:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Angela Kulig: Having Survived Monday, Learns to Hate the Rest of the Week Properly {Editing is like MONDAYS}

There is something about editing, that gets under my thin skin and makes me think about all the things I have done wrong. Not necessarily in this manuscript, but perhaps the one before, and the one before that, and the next one I have yet to write yet.

Editing is like Mondays. Come Sunday night, you are convinced you know how bad something is going to be--but then you get a flat tire, and spill your iced half caff grande mocha carmel something all down your only clean shirt.

Not that it's ever happened to me.

This is purely metaphorical people.

I'm lying of course.

Wednesday is my deadline for this manuscript. So to celebrate, Thursday I am going to start a little game. It will be fun, you will want to tell all your friends.

For now, be thinking of these lyrics by Panic! At the Disco: "There is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends."

Friday, March 9, 2012

The difference in readers: SKEPTICS VS TRUE BELIEVERS

In my head, when I first started to write this post there, I titled it: WHAT MY AUDIENCE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ME BEFORE READING MY NEXT 2 BOOKS

Which was kind of silly.

What I really wanted to do, was talk to you about the different kind of book readers and challenge you to think about which category you fall into.

In my mind, there are only two kinds. Skeptics and Believers, though you can have characteristics of both.

Skeptics, want, no need to know everything. I once belonged to a writers group who always demanded to know EVERYTHING by the first chapter. I mean everything--like the entire book should all somehow be in first two thousand words. In my opinion, if everyone somehow managed to pull that off I'd metaphorically slit my wrists.

That's because I am a believer. Magic can exist, dragons breathe fire with out further explanation. I don't have to know everything until I need to know and I don't get hung up on the details. Like WHY do vampires exist and how come the sun is falling from the sky. Sometimes it just is, because that is how it is. I don't question the laws of gravity if I have never been to that world.

At the same time, sometimes things just don't make sense. I'd rather not know than to be told something that makes me put the book down.

As a writer, I promise to always tell you things you need to know before you need to know them. I can't promise it will be when you want to know, but it will happen.

For me, writing SKELETON SONG was the hardest thing I have ever done. We know how Marlow's story ends--and we know nothing about it is happy. Maintaining hope and light when all their should be is darkness and despair was a task that I don't think I understood until I wrote the first draft. Which is why it hasn't come out yet. Red Iris is letting me make it perfect and it needs to be.The glistening pieces are in the bits that you haven't heard yet. Hope comes from the fact that her pain still hurts, that her cuts still bleed.

Like Panic at the Disco says, there is nothing worse than knowing how it ends. At least the Skeptics should be happy.

There are four full length novels in the Skeleton Lake series. The Skeleton Song is the prequel to the first book in the series. And I am about to share with you, the other titles that have not been announced until now. The only people who know about them before you are Sara, at Red Iris and my husband. I want your imagination to wonder. I want you to believe.


Very soon, my publisher will pry SKELETON SONG from my anxiety ridden fingers--and shortly after that release Dust of the Dead Sea will come out. I promise. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Newest Book Covers for Book Cover Lovers

Today I hope to hash out my next few months book release schedule with my publisher RED IRIS BOOKS until then enjoy my new book covers.

BTW The Skeleton Song is the prequel to SKELETON LAKE and it will be available on ebook absolutely free. Yep, FREE!

AND I hope to make it available pre-release date to skeleton fans that complete one easy (and free!) task! All the deets coming next week, as well as the synop book info.

Dust of the Dead Sea is the 2nd Book in the Skeleton Lake Series and the next new book cover you will see for me is for something completely different. I am DYING to tell you about it, but it is my new years resolution that I will be waiting no announce new releases until they are in stone.