Monday, December 23, 2013

Authors! Sign up now for the "Stocking Your E-Reader Sale"

As per the rest of of 2013, I am a day late and a dollar short. Since I posting the sign ups so late I am allowing you submit books until 9PM Pacific Time Christmas Day! As usual, listing in the sale is absolutely free--however, some of the rules have changed so make sure you check it out! (Believe it or not, there are actually less rules!)

1. Must have an ebook priced .99 or FREE by 11:59 PM 12/25
2. Must be willing to post sale information at least twice a day on whatever social media networks you are into during the duration of the sale 12/26-12-31. (I.E. 2 tweets a day, or a facebook post and a google plus post, or any combination you can think of)
3. Must post sale information on your blog or website sometime during the sale.

I have also simplified the sign up form! Ready to commit? Click here. Then leave a comment and let us know you're coming!

Not an author? No worries! Make sure you check back after Christmas for awesome books, awesome prices, and fantastic giveaways!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

COVER REVEAL! Coffin Nails & Other Beasts!

Whoa! I wish I could say December was a month of laziness--but alas, it only looks like I'm slow! I've baked over 200 cookies, I've song dozens of Christmas songs, and shopped for everyone on my list! I am done early, and that's good because now it's time for some bookish work!

First on the list, a cover reveal! Here is the new (and kind of creepy!) cover for my new anthology; Coffin Nails and Other Beasts.

I will be out soon. Until then, enjoy the introduction of it.

I was a strange child. In high school,  my clothing was mostly black, and mostly plastic. In the third grade,  I vowed that one day, I’d be an author. Oh so sweet innocence, if only I had known then what trouble that one little desire would bring me! It middle school I became obsessed with the idea of winning an obscure reading contest—that earned be a journal from the dollar store with gilt edges. I could have read Goosebumps or Babysitters club, but I read The Jungle Book first, and wrapped up my epic win with Moby Dick. Oh Ishmael my friend! You’re a freak, but so am I!

It would be nice to say my taste for the obscure ended in my childhood; instead I refined my individual preferences as an adult—well assuming of course I am an adult, to be honest I am not quite sure.

So Coffin Nails.

Perhaps you are like some and wonder, “Why that?” Why indeed! Well perhaps you understand the reference. The Christmas Carol by one amazing and legendary Charles Dickens is one of the most iconic and celebrated Christmas stories of all time—and it doesn't need my say so to make it true. Marley was dead to begin with. Dickens leaves no doubt of it, and he goes on to say he is deader than a doornail but then strays; something I am fond of doing myself! Dickens remarks that he doesn't believe that door nails are quite dead—he supposes that a coffin nail would be deader.

And I concur.

A Christmas Carol may have started my love of dark stories for the season, but nothing, not even my own book of them—seems to be able to end it.

Sign ups for the next ebook sale start tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thanks for a great sale!

I would like to spare a few moments to thank the readers, the writers, and the tweeters for making THE GREEN TUESDAY SALE a success. Today I'm feeling slightly hung over, 4 hours a sleep a night for two weeks will do that to you!

Just some house cleaning notes, I am trying to wrap up the editing on DUST OF THE DEAD SEA so it can be out to you guys soon. I know you have been waiting, I really need to stop injuring myself!

I also have a surprise Anthology out later this month. It's called Coffin Nails, and Other Deceased Beasts. It includes an excerpt of a novella out next year called BONE DEEP. It's a Hollows novella, and it's about Alex and Lena--told from Alex's POV immediately following the events of Skeleton Lake and during the events of DUST OF THE DEAD SEA.

In other boring, mundane news; I am migrating my newsletter soon. Look for new sign-ups in the next week or so--and a contest to go with that.

And above everything else, keep your eyes and tweets ready for information on the next sale coming 12/26! Forms will be up for participation soon. It runs until new years and is called THE STOCKING YOUR EREADER SALE.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Green Tuesday Sale! Save the trees, buy ebooks! Author/Publisher sign up. #GREENTUESDAY

This is a tiny bit late because man, I have been running on coffee and Top Ramen for months and it has finally caught up with me.

So here is the deal, my friends and I at Green Envy Press have are starting the first annual, GREEN TUESDAY SALE. Save the tress, buy ebooks! And not just any ebooks, but .99 cent ones! As many as we can possibly get. Which between us is already TONS. We thought, sure, we could do this awesome sale with just us. But man, we'd rather have a party! So we're going to open the sale to any author/publisher who can meet the following requirements.

1)Must have .99 ebook(s ) [regular or sale priced] on or before 12/2 available on Amazon
2) Must have a Twitter account and must be willing to post a minimum of three times on various social networks about the sale. (i.e. 3 tweets, or one post each on G+, facebook, and Twitter--however you want.)
3) Must have a blog, and be willing to post the Green Tuesday button provided to you via sign up email from at least 11/18-12/3
4)Must post sale information the day of the sale on your blog. (12/3)
5)Must sign up before 11:59 PM 11/28 (Thanksgiving)


BONUS, nice things:
It would be nice, if you sign up before you could share this post on your own blog. The more people we have participate in the sale, the more people will hear about it. That means higher traffic, and more fun for everyone--authors and readers alike.

We are also going to be having some fabulous giveaways! If you would like to contribute swag, books, ebooks, cash (to buy cards), or gift cards to the cause click here. It's not required.

In addition to all the benefits there are from having a large ring of synchronized support; I will be throwing an all day Twitter party (and bringing 22k+ of my closest friends) all day Green Tuesday. You are invited to party too, use hashtag #greentuesday

Did I leave something out, or need clarification? Leave a comment or send me an email. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Yesterday I got my first death threat... apparently this means I've made it.

On Tuesday, which is odd because it's always the Mondays--but on Tuesday something crazy happened. No, not the normal level of crazy you know and love me for.

Someone threatened to kill me, on Twitter. It would be on Twitter, because practically all my life is there these days, but! It freaked me out a little bit. I'm over it, but COME ON! Who gets death threats on Twitter?

Besides me, I mean. I thought I'd get them over the the end of Pigments of My Imagination--but the fanboys took the cliffhanger better than expected! Everyone was mostly nice--this wasn't from anything writing related.

I must still be freaked out, because there are a lot more exclamation points in this post than usual. I am not even sure this post is in English.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Why I ♥ Grammarly & You Should Too

Dudes. I use Grammarly's Plagiarism Checker, because copying is for bad pop music.

And the rest of it? Man, I am in love.

So. The secret is out. I hate editing...Wait. You mean that wasn't a secret? You mean I complain about it on Twitter like every week? Er... day? HOUR?!

Ok, so quite often I can be found complaining about how much I hate editing to around nineteen thousand of my best friends. Often whining about how it totally ruins my day, week, existence. So it might come as a complete shock to you, that I don't hate editing so very much anymore. Well anyway, it's a shock to me.

A couple of weeks ago I sat down and tried Grammarly for the first time. To say I was a skeptic was putting it mildly. All I could think of was that stupid Allstate commercial, it must be true if it's on the internet! Grammarly claims they:

  • Instantly find and correct over 250 types of grammatical mistakes

  • Improve word choice with context-optimized vocabulary suggestions

  • Help avoid plagiarism by checking your texts against over 8 billion web pages   

I admit I scoffed! We all know how good a job Microsoft Weird does checking our grammar. Even Scrivener has failed me recently. (Shorn is so a word Scrive-NERD) So despite the fact that the whole internet is talking about them, I did not have high hopes. Still, the timing was good. I was in edits up to my armpits, so I tossed in the next chapter of my manuscript in.


That was all I said, and seriously this writer is never at a loss for words. Never.

I went through an entire chapter in just minutes. It takes all the guesswork out of the edit process for me. Often I think something might be not right, but I can't put my finger on it. Grammarly can. It is hard to self-edit. Grammarly kept me from having to re-read the same scene until the words spun off page and I'd start wondering if I wrote the whole damn thing in some obscure dead language.

The very next thing I did was email my editor asking him to go over my edited text--and see if it really is as great as I thought it was. I had to wait until the next day for my answer. Apparently editors need sleep. Whereas I previously thought they were too evil for it.

The answer was amazing. "While it didn't catch everything," he starts.... it was about ninety percent cooler than what I normally turn into him. And I mean, he couldn't say it's perfect right? Editors got to eat too.

For kicks, I am going to throw in this blog post pre-edit to see what Grammarly finds.

So as you can see, I'm an awful writer.

No, that's not right. As you can see, Grammarly gives you a "score" out of 100. As you correct things your score goes up. I don't know about you, but my adult self still likes to get A's. No one wants to write a D- of a book or even a blog post. Grammarly makes it all so easy, I forget that I am editing and not just playing some crazy word game all the Grammar Nazis think is cool.

On they have an awesome list of TOP TEN REASONS YOU SHOULD USE GRAMMARLY. I'm partial, so I think mine's better.

#10 Sometimes it pays to be the smartest one in the room. Let's be honest, in writing everyone is trying to out do everyone else. To be the best you have to be the best at something. Why wouldn't you jump on the chance to make you and your book more professional with something that doesn't require your firstborn child.

#9 Everyone is a critic. As a writer, you spend a fair amount of time trying to make other people happy. If you claim you don't you're a terrible liar. There is always someone. You might be writing your books for you, but then there is always the agents/editors/publishers/readers/and other critics of the world. Don't give them something easy to complain about.

#8 Self-editing is hard. Being burned at the stake for being a bad self-editor is worse.

#7 Grammarly has 20k Twitter followers (a little more than me!) but editing is not cool--therefore Grammarly must work fabulously! Because no one wants to hang out with editing at a party.

#6 All the cool kids are doing it. While I am big into being original, there is something called a grading curve. You might be shocked to realize this applies to writing and real life. If everyone else raises their standards, you have to raise yours or you won't be able to compete.

#5 Real Editing comes in tiers, like substantial, basic, and copy-editing. Grammarly plans also come in tiers, but theirs are all for a very small fraction of how much you'd pay for a first edit.

#4 Use it and abuse it for one low price! So you get your manuscript back from the editor, and it has red lines all over it! What do you do? You fix it of course. Only sometimes the fixes aren't as cut and dried as we like and most editors don't include a second (or third, or tenth) look in their price. Grammarly does.

#3 It's not cool to wait in line. Say you want someone (anyone!) to look at your book. Did you know that most awesome editors have serious wait lists? In addition to the time you'll spend on that, it also takes weeks for them to get back to you when they do start your book. Do I think you can go editor-free when you use Grammarly? I can't, but I can skip to the copy editing part which saves time and money. Comma people probably could though.

#2 Real editors need sleep (those bastards). Feel free to use Grammarly at three in the morning. I do.

#1 Angela Kulig recommends it! Hey, that's me~!

The Fine Print: Grammarly sponsored this post... but they didn't actually plan on me talking about them. They said I could write about whatever I wanted. I decided to write about Grammarly because I am seriously into writing innovation, and I want my friends to be into it to. I love Grammarly, but that wasn't a requirement.