Friday, July 27, 2012

Tell Me About Your Birth Order, & the Birth Order of Fictional People

So after talking to my father today about the car he was considering buying my "baby" sister I began to think about birth order and how it pertains to fiction and real life. Now, the man and I are both oldest children (who by the way bought there own cars) and I feel as though we are quite a lot different then our siblings. Our personalities are different, the way we feel about our world is different, and we live our lives differently.

How does this translate to fiction--are there stereotypes that appear in literature and would you say they are there for a good reason?

Now I want you to think about your favorite books. Tell me about the characters in them. Are they only children, oldest children, babies? And do you think that impacts the story and how so?

Comment here with your answer for a chance to win a $25 Amazon Giftcard or e-giftcard

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Top #10 Things to Do While Twitter is Down

I don't usually blog on Thursdays, but since I'm quite sure only a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (or like Olympic soccer fans which is really the same diff) could make Twitter crash I would just get on with it before they get here and eat my flesh.

#10 PANIC!
Of course, why didn't I think of that!

#9 Look up all your best Twitter friends on all the other social media sites you don't love as much as Twitter.
I dig digi stalking.

#8 Check your Klout score, read why I think it is important, and give me +K
Dooo it!

#7 Add Books to your To Be Read Pile on Goodreads you can add Pigments of My Imagination here.

#6 Tell a real life friend about a real life indie author you usually support on Twitter.

#5 Get a really catchy (and horrible) song stuck in your head. I have supercalafrag--or however you spell it stuck in mine.
Kill it with fire.

#4 Ready your emergency supply kit in the unlikely event this carries on all day (or worse, into the night)

#3 Cook and eat something that did not come in a box, a paper bag, or from your mother.

Really should have seen that one coming.

And the #1 you can do while Twitter is down.....
Drum Roll.................................................................................................................................................

#1 Leave a comment on Angela Kulig's blog (and everyone else's you will read during your now copious amounts of free time) They will love you (and me) for it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Yes, I Have Contracted the Deadly Facebook Author Page.

Being an author in the age of facebook is rough. You've got your name up there on the Internet where people can tell you exactly what the think of you, and facebook makes it easy for your mother to see what people think of you too. Author pages are the worst, because they are YOU and people get to 'like' you, and if they don't like you then you have to revisit all of those inadequacies left over from Junior High.

In the 6th grade, I was the far superior Queen of the Faeries in A Midsummer Night's Dream but that other chick had a better costume.

Wait, what was I talking about again?

Oh right, I got a brand new facebook author page last night and no one likes me. OK some people like me, but I'm a Libra, I like feeling popular. If I don't then there is all this ugly self doubt--which is funny you should see my horoscope for today. It actually says self doubt is a waste of my time! Which it is, but I never claimed to always be completely rational.

So save my splintering ego.

Check out my facebook author page and show me some love. When you are there you can even pick up your free Pigments of My Imagination book mark. They are awesome looking.

Also, big announcements coming soon! Like as soon as I quit being a coward soon. I hate deadlines with a newborn.

Need to stalk me elsewhere on the internets? Here are all the links you need. I'd love to stalk you too.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Somebody Has a Case of the Mondays

I've said this before, but writers should really be into this whole Monday thing. I mean, it's the one day a week where almost everyone on the planet feels as tortured as we always are on the inside. Instead there seems to be a lot of whine, moan, complain, coffee, rinse and repeat.

I mean, I get it. Once upon a time, I even liked Mondays. You would too, if Saturday and Sunday brought you two nine hour shifts of hell in local retail underworld. (GAP) But the thing is, editing is worse than Mondays. Editing is any day of the week and every day of the week. Can you guess what I'm doing right now?

I'm writing this blog! What did you think I was doing?

Seriously though, as I get Pigments of My Imagination ready for publication (by myself gasp, faint, sob!) I wonder what the statistics would look like for my life. It's something no writer wants to see. I am used to hearing shocking truths like the average person spends 40 years of their life sleeping, or the average adult spends twenty four months of their life in meetings. But editing? Well lets just say it's eating into my 40 years of hard earned sleep that is for sure.

By this weekend the first of the last of my beta readers will have their hands on Pigments and I am super excited about it. I just need to find one more, so if you dig finding and destroying commas send me a smoke signal!

Just to recap, Pigments of My Imagination is an eternal love story, (YA supernatural romance) and it's Monday.

Any questions?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Life Liberty & the Pursuit of Saturdays #1: Angela Kulig is Afraid of Her Own Horoscope

This is the first post in my new weekend blog series:
It amazes me how far away the new school year isn't. Granted, I've been quite busy creating new humans, finishing books, reading things--but still, I was actually surprised when the school supplies started cropping up at Target. Normally, I am a summer section STALKER. Inevitably, the pool chairs and water wings are replaced by glue sticks and enough boxes of crayons for everyone on the planet to have seven of 'em. It's 114 here in Las Vegas, and the summer can't be over soon enough, so I decided to start my Pursuit of Saturdays series early. Especially when I woke up and found something terrifying in my inbox!

I was still blurred eyed this morning at something like 4:45 AM. The three week old sleeps pretty well, so I didn't think it would be worth going back to sleep when I'd need to wake up around 6 anyway. I am perfectly aware that normal people don't check their email at that hour, but I don't know many of them, and that was when I discovered; my HOROSCOPE! There was definitely no going back to bed after that.

Here is what Rick Levin has to say:
Saturday, July 21st, 2012-- You better get to work if you have a deadline looming, whether it's imposed by outside circumstances or by your own desire for completion. Either way, it's crucial to stay on track today. These past weeks have been rather hectic, but now it's time to focus your intentions and apply your talents to what's right in front of you. Don't worry about next year; concentrate on the present moment and do your best.

So not only do I have a serious deadline, but the last few weeks have been INSANE (well duh I have a newborn) but even weirder is the bit where it says, "Don't worry about next year." BECAUSE I had planned to work on my post January 2013 schedule today. It is on dry erase board. I have my planner opened to that month.

It was so creepy, I had to start working right away. Of course, then I got distracted to the blog. In case you missed the scales, I am a Libra. Not only that but I am a very libra-ish Libra BUT I am a bit of an astrological anomaly. My horoscope usually reads like exactly what happened yesterday. Weird, now I am all anxiety ridden and blogging about it.

Monday, July 9, 2012

I Gave Birth (It's not a metaphor)

I had my baby June 29th!
 Her name is Thistle.

She is perfect, and so chill I was editing my manuscript and outlining new books in the hospital.

I am not kidding.

I was expecting her arrival to make my life too insane to enjoy my escapes into all things writing and social media--but that doesn't seem to be happening. I have instead resumed my normal pre-pregnancy writing routine (mostly). Which is crazy and awesome and SCARY because now that I am out there all alone in the writing universe I am the master of my own schedule. There will be no waiting for my designated spot in the schedule for my book to be published.

And what books there are! More on that later.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's not you. Angela Kulig and Red Iris Books part ways.

Sadly, despite recently acquiring a new contract, I have to annouce that I have parted ways with my former publisher Red Iris Books. It's complicated, and we've both agreed to see other people. I'm not nearly as frustrated as I was even five minutes ago. The only thing I really regret is the timing. One, I am about to have a baby (anytime) and two, they were supposed to be releasing a book by me today and that's not happening. I knew it was delayed, I just didn't find out until this morning it was delayed indefinatly.

It seems that in the future RIB is going to a more adult oriented business model. Since I write almost exclusively middle grade and young adult it doesn't make sense for them to extended time and resources building my series when it's not really their thing. It's a lot of work publishing and marketing a book, I respect that. However, I now feel trapped. I hate the idea of having to make important decisions about my future right now, or in a few days from now when I am completely sleep deprived.

I have a lot of really crazy ideas that seem like fantastical things to do right now though, so I will probably just do that. Since I am <90 days away from being back in complete control of the Skeleton Lake series I guess I will do something big for that then--something insane. The first thing that is probably going to happen in that series is Skeleton Song, and Skeleton Lake will be combined into one book.

But before that... I hope to release Pigments of My Imagination on my own. Or better yet, with my friends. I have a lot of things to figure out, and never enough time. The only thing I know is, I plan to take over the world. As much as I still like the other party involved, I don't take lightly to being bet against and there are things I plan on doing souly so I can feel smug about them later. I think this may have been the best motivation for me to work harder and faster I could have hoped for. I am sure that is exactly how I will feel when I no longer drowning in hormones.