Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Writing Process Demystified #4 Can’t get away to an island paradise for inspiration? You aren’t trying hard enough.

I’m on vacation, and since most of you follow me on Twitter you probably already know that because I haven’t stopped tweeting about it. Today I am going to share with you how to get away with out getting away, because I often can’t get away and most of the time when I do there is extended family involved.

Some people need a change of scenery to really get their creative juices flowing. I have a good imagination, and can usually just pretend I am somewhere else, but there is nothing better than this when you really need an island get away:


I dig the sound of water splashing into pools blow my feet, but this isn’t a real island; this is the Butterfly Exhibit at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

I’m a big fan of museums in general, and have come up with some amazing ides at the including Pigments of My Imagination.

Say you wanted to write about a dinosaur, or even better yet—a dragon.Need something so you can adequately capture the sheer size of it?


Thoughts are fleeting, sometimes trying to describe something you saw in a mirage. There for a second, then gone. Solid things like this can help you gain a foothold on a tone or image you need to capture.

No matter where you live, there are things around you, ordinary things or dinosaurs, that can inspire you. Do try and keep your eyes open.


LynNerdKelley said...

Great idea, to visit a museum for new ideas. Enjoy your vacation!

S.P. Sipal said...

OMG, I've done exactly this before! It seems I cannot possibly go thru a museum anymore without taking a notepad for the inspiration it inspires. So many ideas! Hope you're having a great vacation.

Melinda S. Collins said...

Great tip!! I'll be heading out on vacation next week and will be heading to the beach. Go fig that my WIP takes the beach! I've already planned to be taking a TON of pics.

I took several pictures two years ago at the Serpentarium here in NC since you never know when you may need that inspiration in the future. I still remember the massive size of some of the snakes.

Hope you're enjoying your vacay! :)

Unknown said...

This was actually a very inspiring post while you were showing us places to be inspired! I love walking around and experiencing the world from someone else's eyes. It's amazing what you'll find!

I'm new here and LOVE your blog. I can't wait to see more of your posts! I'm definitely sticking around!