Monday, June 27, 2011




I decided to do this fun little number on a whim, you can check it out here:

All the cool people were doing it!

After that I weighed on and off all morning WHICH ‘wip’ I should use. I am doing my final few edits on SKELETON LAKE and writing my first Draft of a Book called Those Damned DeLeons which you wont even get to see until next year.

So since TDD’s release date is so far away I went with Skeleton Lake! Pigments of My Imagination will be out soon, and after that is Skeleton Lake which is the first book in a 4 book series.

The RULES for this Blogfest:
Pick any five lines or any five SHORT excerpts from one of your WIPs. If you're feeling shy, and don't want to share from your own work, share from something you LOVE.

So here I go:

1.) "The lake is nothing but a false idol. Tormenting me like a cruel god. Reminding me for all my days, and every last dream filled night, that what it gives to us it can so easily take away." –Raiden

2.) Most of all I wanted to hate her, needed to. Because she had died and stayed that way, because she had left him alone and that made him miserable, and because no amount of anything I had to give would ever take that away.

3.) Raiden had invaded my heart; my very existence was of him, false flesh and bronze bones.  I couldn't let him live here, permeating the walls of my family home too.

4.) "I chose you from all the others," she sang. "to give you the life I gave away, to save you from sharing a fate with me. Don't make the same mistake again."—Cassie

5.) Conrad walked out into the muddy water of the lake. He did not use the dock. I watched him shed layers like every part of him was screaming in pain. I knew that it probably was. His back was turned to me, and I was grateful I couldn’t see the parts of him that made him what he was. A Hallow.

So what do you guys think?

Just FYI tomorrow I am doing a guest blog over at Harry Potter for Writers:

I am very excited about it!


Chronicles of Illusions said...

These are really great. I loved number 5 - well actually I loved them all - but number 5 grabbed me.

Jolene Perry said...

TOTAL chills, I'm in agreement with number 5, NICE :D

Patricia JL said...

I agree w/ Jo number 5 really grabbed me. Can't wait to read this one too!

Trisha said...

Wow, loved your excerpts. A lot!! Sounds like you have an amazing, powerful story here!

Vicki Rocho said...

Nice. I liked #5, but now I wanna know what a Hallow is and why he's in pain.

Angela Kulig said...

HA you guys are fun Vicki check beck in a couple of months and you can read all about it!

Melanie_McCullough said...

Oh I love them. All of them. Your writing voice just really appeals to me. You could probably write an instruction manual and I'd rave aboout it.

But you know that. I gush about it all the time.

The thing I like best is that your words stay with me. I'll remember a line or a moment days later and it will make me think. Make me want to be a better writer.

You're brilliant and inspiring.

Angela Kulig said...

AWWWWWW Mel that is likely they best compliment I have ever gotten.

Sarah Nicolas said...

Aww, number 2 makes me so sad. Which, I guess, is the point. :)

Angela Kulig said...

Yep! But it is very depressing indeed.