Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Blog of SHAME



There is something important you should probably know about me. First—I tend to ignore my blog when I am stressed and things don’t seem to be going my way. Second, things are REALLY not going my way right now.

Actually, I shouldn’t say that only select FEW things aren’t going my way but those few things are making life mostly too difficult to blog however. Tell me to shut up I am whining.

I am supposed to be posting chapter three of PIGMENTS OF MY IMAGINATION it really will be here by the end of the weekend, and the book will be following shortly there after. But now that I am jinxing myself I will likely get hit by a bus before then.

Some upcoming things so mark your calendar:

Vlog “Vampire Money” my 1st writing Vlog ever 6/29
SKELETON LAKE release by 7/31

Also there will be many other promotional things and contests to win. Lot’s of people have already received their PIGMENTS bookmarks. I’d love to send you one too, comment below for your chance to win. I will pick one lucky winner (at least) after I am no longer hopped up on cold medicine.

Am I even making any sense?

I am having a twitter follower contests as well.


Imran Siddiq said...

It doesn't matter if you blog too little or even too much. What counts is that you are an excellent tweeter, so I recommend that others join you.

PS: Her Twitter ID is: @angelakulig


Patricia JL said...

Shut up and stop whining! (Hey you said I could say it =P)

Karen said...

Hope you are feeling better! Stupid viruses getting in the way. :(