Monday, September 10, 2012

Angela Kulig Confesses to Terrible Things

PhotobucketI admit it, I was the one who ate the last pack of Oreos--even if I let my husband think the kids did it! And it's true, I did want to bite my brother in law's head off when he underhandedly suggested I didn't know how to keep my email from being hacked.

But Alas, that's not the point of Patty's confession blog hop.
So I am supposed to talk about confessions in writing, reading, that sort of thing--easy as my life revolves around it; here we go.

I want to give up, all the time. That is why I am always in a hurry, that is why I never stop, because I worry if I do it will be the end of Angela Kulig--the author, and that is who I have wanted to be since I was twelve years old. It's something like almost dying every single day.

The thought of failure burns, like a new cut on an old scar and it's all I can think about. If I could have a do over of last year I'd take it. I'd never have signed with a publisher at all, I'd have a hired an editor (or three) for Skeleton Lake and not have been so trusting.

No one is perfect, and I am jealous of all of them.

Actually, that last one is a lie. I used to have serious jealousy issues with other writers that I somehow overcame. OK--it has something to do with those thousands of people who downloaded my book. thank you. You made it to where even if I died today I would have done better than 90% of the authors out there. You made me realize that I do have potential. That my life as a writer is not over. That maybe those endless stories in my head are worth writing, are worth reading.

I have written over forty books, and I am terrified of people reading them. But I am getting over it.

I read Amish fiction--don't judge me! Sometimes I need something as wholesome as a bowl of Quaker oats with no paranormal beasties or bleakness.

Sometimes I fantasize about becoming someone else and starting over.

And sometimes I ramble on in my blog posts as some kind of therapy that usually makes me feel better.

But not always.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The 3 Day Novel Contest aka My Natural Habitat

I've been a pretty lazy blogger as of late, and there are some very good reasons for that. First I have a nine week old--then I wrote a book, finished another book (almost), and have been re-editing two others AND gearing up for my FAVORITE time of year. It used to be Halloween, then Christmas--now it's Labor Day weekend and the 3 Day Novel contest. It is my third year, and I am hoping that makes it lucky! So far I love my story and have managed to avoid any accidental plot pitfalls. WIN!

There is another reason I really love 3 Day Novel, and it is because it always gets me back on track. I am sure lots of people finish the contest and need some serious time to recover--but for me I always end up wishing I could write all my novels in 3 days. Lately it's been hard for me to finish anything and everything, and this always feels like recharging my battery. It's really what I need to move forward with the release of more of my books. So many are just sitting around so close, they just need a little more love and after this I am sure I will be able to give them the time they need. I really need 3DNC to be a bi-annual event. Maybe I will come up with my own thing for spring ;)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

END: An Apocalyptic Anthology $0.00 for Kindle

Just a quick update, as I have a very challenging blog scheduled for tomorrow-- END: An Apocalyptic Anthology; is currently free for Kindle. I didn't know of the sale in advance, or I would have warned you! Run and get it because I don't know when it's ending either. I feel sort of like this is somehow opening wounds I just stitched shut. My story in it called, A Starshot in Hell was what got me on Red Iris last year. I'm feeling nostalgic, so go download it then give me some love!

Here is the blurb about my piece:
Trapped on a dying Earth, Eden must decide to flee with a man she hardly knows or stand her ground as it crumbles below her feet .

Tell everyone you know, and then leave a comment ;)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

An Over Abundance of Works In Progress

Patty, (who btw won the ebook copy of Existence) tagged me on her blog challenging me to talk about myself--er talk about my works in progress which to me is sort of the same diff. She said she added me because she knew I had, "An abundance of WIPS," and she was absolutely right. I am going to preface this by saying, I usually only work on 3-4 projects at once. I know to a lot of people that sounds like a lot. Really, it's the only way I can get as much done as I do. Not because of the numbers involved, but because if I need a break/get stuck/ want to throw my manuscript at the wall (not that it has ever happened to me) I can turn and work on something else. Right now, that number is a lot higher. Why? Because I just had a baby. I know that makes no sense. The truth is, I am behind schedule. I will be caught back up in October, and until then I am working on [almost] too many to count. THEN I got to pick 5 peeps to torture.

These books are getting ready for publication, or re-publication. After my split with Red Iris I had a mini freak out. I went from living on someone else's schedule (I had deadlines which were contracted) to being able to do whatever I want. My plans all had to change, and it took me a few weeks to be completely fine with that and to find people that could help make the process easier.

I make myself edit at least 3 pages of this book everyday. Even if I don't want too, even if I need sleep. Even if I end up doing it at 3am while blurred eyed and feeding a newborn. I really don't want to be.. not because I don't like the book, because I do. The Desert of Ash and Waves is book 3 of Skeleton Lake series and I think it's my favorite.They tend to get (in my humble opinion) better because I like Marlow a lot more as she grows up. It's also the longest, and spans the most miles. The reason I'd rather not be editing is is because it's going to be so long before it comes out. The re-release of Skeleton Lake and the release of Skeleton Song, will happen *likely* on or before the anniversary of Skeleton Lake which is October 27th. Then this second book, Dust of the Dead Sea isn't even scheduled yet. I am due to completely rework my 2012-2013 schedule as soon as baby Thistle sleeps through the night. I started to tell you a little bit about The Desert of Ash & Waves but you'd be pretty lost. But we know from the end of Skeleton Lake that Marlow, Raiden, and Conrad are headed away from Skeleton Lake. Sadly, for them being away from home is going to become something of a trend.

Granted is a book I am really excited about. For a a multitude of reasons. The first is, it takes the place of Pigments of My Imagination in my SOUL. By that I mean, though they are very different books they both occupy the same part of my heart. They are both Supernatural Romance books--which is a sub genre I have been listing more and more. Essentially, they are like paranormal romance books but my paranormal books tend to be darker and live in universes that give Tim Burton's movies a run for their money; they also contain paranormal creatures, though they don't seem to be standards, like vampire and werewolves. In my opinion, my supernatural books read more like contemporary fiction with supernatural elements. The world they exist in is our world, often beautiful, often ugly, but it feels like home. That is the difference in what I label my books. Since Granted is the first book in a trilogy, let me tell you a little something about it. I didn't think this out if advance, so hopefully it will do the concept justice. It is something like a fairy tale. Though if you know me, you know I couldn't just do that. The main characters are a Saudi Prince and the average duct-tape loving girl next door. This isn't a Cinderella story. Their happily ever after could never come in a castle, because first they have to overcome everything they have already earned--severe reward, and severe punishment. Even if they do manage to escape the destinies that have been gifted to them, they won't be able to remember doing it. I thought about subbing it out before publishing it. What do you think? Currently I am working on making the side story just right. It's young adult if that wasn't obvious.

Those Damned DeLeons. I often tweet when I get book ideas, and if you pay attention you would know I claim to always get them in 3's. I thought if Pigments, Skeleton Lake, and this book within days of each other. That was a particularly good run, they aren't always three good ideas. Anyway, TDD for short, is a paranormal sudo romance that is almost but not quite a middle grade book. The world of TDD is the best and most horrible I have ever dreamed up. In it, three boys sell there soul to devil to payback their fathers debt. It doesn't even seem like such a horrible gig, they won't age a day and time doesn't pass the same way in hell. No one will even miss them--that is, if there is enough human in them left to return. The secrets of the world are woven around like spider's silk, sometimes if I touch it wrong I screw up a whole lote more than I meant too.

One more! I am currently plotting this book for the 3 Day Novel Contest. You will be hearing a lot about that later. This is my third year entering the contest and I am super excited about it. I thought up this book while tweeting the other day, I had another book slated to write labor day weekend but I decided it had to be this. The Gods of Market Street, my first ever adult paranormal book.

Ok I'm done now. I know I am leaving some things out (like every last one of my middle grade projects. That query letter I have been meaning to get to and two anthology pieces) but this was what I could recall WRITE Now. Here is who I am tagging (now run off and tell me about your WIPs) I choose 5, then you choose 5. Move it or lose it Mr. Far, Heather Jacobs, Maurice Lawless, Ali Cross, and Tiffany King.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Revisting Oral Fixation

I once wrote a blog dedicated to writers, and their oral fixations. Why it was important, and why we are all just really really weird. It can be found here:

(Seriously, you need to read it. I just did and I even laughed at my own jokes. )

Stranger still is the number of people who find by searching things like, "Do I have an oral fixation", and "I'm embarrassed by more oral fixation." Since for whatever reason it's such a big hit, I have decided it's time to revisit the topic. This time in the form of fictional characters, because even the make believe have oral fixations.

I believe it was the Twilight series that made me feel as though I had been SLAPPED every time a certain someone bit their lip. To this day I still inwardly recoil when I read it in other books (mine included) so I've been working on keeping track of original oral fixations. Things like pencil chewing, and fingernail biting are totally played out yo. So tell me characters you love and love to hate who have oral fixations. There are thousands, so don't worry, there will not be a test.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Don't Miss Out On Your Chance to WIN

Just a recap, I am having some awesome giveaways and you want to win--if you haven't entered yet stop being a rock dweller and do it!

Enter to win an ebook copy of Existence by Abbi Glines.

From Goodreads:
What happens when you're stalked by Death? You fall in love with him, of course.

Pagan Moore doesn't cheat Death, but instead, falls in love with him.

Seventeen year old Pagan Moore has seen souls her entire life. Once she realized the strangers she often saw walking through walls were not visible to anyone else, she started ignoring them. If she didn't let them know she could see them, then they left her alone. Until she stepped out of her car the first day of school and saw an incredibly sexy guy lounging on a picnic table, watching her with an amused smirk on his face. Problem is, she knows he's dead.

Not only does he not go away when she ignores him, but he does something none of the others have ever done. He speaks. Pagan is fascinated by the soul. What she doesn't realize is that her appointed time to die is drawing near and the wickedly beautiful soul she is falling in love with is not a soul at all.

He is Death and he's about to break all the rules.

Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card.

All prizes are provided by myself--because that is how I roll.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cover Reveal! OPTIONS by Abbi Glines

You guys know I usually don't do this. Because I don't pimp books by people just because I love those people. I have to love the books too, so when I heard Abbi Glines announced an awesome new paranormal series I made sure I got to be a part of the cover reveal! OPTIONS is making its way to our plane of existence February 2013. So here it is:

From Goodreads:
Two paths.
Two completely different roads.
Each one standing before me.
Each one holding a different destiny.

In life you're just supposed to choose one path. 
In life you're not given the chance at choosing one specific future.

Until now.
Until me.

Why am I different? I don't know. But I'm going to see those roads and walk down each one. When it's over I'll know which one to choose because I'll know my - options.

Abbi Glines is amazing. She has been one of my all time favorite things about 2012. Every book I have read by her I have enjoyed.

*The cover was designed by Stephanie Mooney from Mooney Design*

Abbi Glines is AWESOME, definitely my favorite author I discovered in 2012. Here is a list of all the books I have read from her, and this I can personally recommend.

Contemporary YA

The Vincent Boys & The Vincent Brothers: I honestly have no idea why I sat down to read The Vincent Boys. I had never heard of Abbi Glines and I read contemporary anything once in practically never. I can't even remember reading any before this outside of junior high, but I did and boy was that lucky for all of us!

Basically I love Beau and Sawyer and you will too. Just read it so I don't have to go all fan girly. Trust me, know one wants to see that.

Paranormal Romance

Existence & Predestined: It's no secret. I practically breathe para anything, so it shouldn't be a surprise that Existence is my favorite book by Abbi Glines. Death shouldn't be this sexy.

Want to WIN an ebook of Existence by Abbi Glines? Well, you can here. While you are at it check out my other current giveaway. (All prizes are provided by myself)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Abbi is lots of descriptive A words! Make sure you stalk her properly!