Thursday, June 11, 2015

Coincidence? 50 Shades Sequel Has a Midnight Sun Moment, or a Dynamite Publicity Stunt. (Probably Both)

When I first read this article about the 50 Shades Sequel, Grey, being stolen one week before launch I thought, "Yeah... right." With an eyeroll and everything. Why pay for that kind of publicity when you can get it for nothing? Scandal, is worth it's weight in gold, and since scandal can crush you on social media, it must weigh an awful lot.

Still, the more I thought about this (just to get a laugh because I used to do marketing) the more it began to bother me. For those of you living under rocks, 50 Shades of Grey was originally a Twilight Fanfiction. Here is where things go from chuckle worthy to sad. Stephenie Meyer originally was working on a Twilight Sequel called Midnight Sun, that was Twilight from Edwards point of view. EL James' new book is 50 Shades from Christian's POV. The reason Meyer stopped working on Midnight Sun was because someone hacked her computer, stole it, and put it on the internet. So it is beyond cute that James' story that follows the same layout as Meyer's has almost the exact same thing happen.


The story wasn't stolen when it would be useless to publishers. It was stolen when they needed some pre-launch publicity. Coincidence? Is it just me? Discuss.


Larry Kollar said...

That's a more than interesting connection! Now, is EL James going to have a hissy fit and pull it? Probably too late for that, it's most likely off to the printers already!

Katie Shuler said...

Meh. I don't like Stephanie Meyer (I think she ripped off LJ Smith's Vampire Diaries, just made her vamps shiny instead of using a magical ring/spell thingy), so when the whole Midnight Sun thing happened, I felt like she made that up so she wouldn't have to work on re-writing from Edward's POV. She was stuck. Done. Had no more words, so wah someone stole it.

I know, I really sound like a jerk. A non-author, I couldn't possibly know how violated that made her feel, kinda jerk. But it is what it is.

I do not disagree that this little coincidence with James' Grey is "cute," lol. I don't know whether to laugh or cringe. I'm still totally going to read it, cause I have Jamie Dornan stuck in my head now. Heh. But yeah...laugh-cringe. ;)