But of course, the universe ate my soul! The Air Force is taking sexy pants away from me for a week so I suppose my weekend is booked in a different way.
And since I have to put on a bra, I guess I can write a few words. Still, I'm curious.
Let's say, the stars aligned and you could spend a whole weekend reading however, wherever, you want. A cafe' in Paris, a springtime river bank, BED? Where would it be?
For me there would be plush chase lounges, incense, candles, plus absolute quiet. I don't get enough of that these days.
Outside on my patio in the perfect temperatures of 60s laying on a comfy lounger were I can spread out and my dog can lay with me!
I get so much reading done on beach vacations. Sadly, not at the beach but on the couch at the rental house, in the air conditioning, with a fridge full of snacks and drinks and the promise of a nice dinner out later. So my dream reading weekend would be all of that...minus Mr. Rider complaining that I came all the way to the beach to sit inside and read. (I don't want to get rid of Mr. Rider. I just want to shove a book in his hands and say, "Shut up and enjoy it.") But I'll also take reading at home too, especially on a sunny day where I can lounge on the deck swing. The living room is less comfortable since we "grew up" and got "real furniture" and I don't have the super-comfy piece-of-crap-chair-that-smelled-like-wet-dog to read in anymore...but I can still manage. You only notice how uncomfortable you are until you get sucked into the book anyway.
Actually, starting Saturday afternoon, I'm having a little staycation. I'll let you know how it went. ;)
A hammock on a spring or fall day. It's 75F, sunny and breezy. I have plenty of beverages chillin' in a cooler within easy reach. The Boy has Mason for the weekend, the daughter is visiting her boyfriend, the wife is on a church-lady retreat or something, and I've turned my phone OFF so my nutty one-legged sister in law can't call me wanting random crap.
Ha. The nutty one-legged sister in law trumps the wet-dog-smelling reading chair.
At a cool, clear lake with the breeze whispering through the pines and a very comfortable lawn chair :)
But I'll have to settle for my recliner, in front of the AC, and a glass of iced tea. I'm a writer, I'll just pretend.
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