Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Best ★★★★★ Star Review (ever) of PIGMENTS OF MY IMAGINATION

So my massive bday plans were foiled by bloggers hiccup of my scheduled posts. I run around most days like blindfolded wildebeest, so I didn't notice until dinner time. Here was what was supposed to be the mid-day post. It's awesome, trust me. (DotDS excerpt has been moved to *checks schedule* October 2nd) The POMI book tour continues tomorrow.

This is the best review of Pigments of My Imagination... or possibly any book ever.

Seriously. Go read it. I'll wait. 

Then make sure you enter to win the limited edition paperbacks here:

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Pigments of My Imagination by Angela Kulig

Pigments of My Imagination

by Angela Kulig

Giveaway ends October 15, 2013.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

and the Kindle Fire here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, September 30, 2013

It's my birthday, and I'm throwing a party! Pigments is just .99!

Happy birthday me! I've knocked the price down on my new release Pigments of My Imagination to
just .99!

Get it on Kindle.
Get it on Kobo. 

Get it on Nook when they update it eventually. 

Don't forget to enter to win a *Limited Edition* paperback on goodreads here.

And enter to win a Kindle Fire below! Come back throughout the day for several awesome birthday posts, with the grande finale being an excerpt of my next book Dust of the Dead Sea (the second...third?Book in the Hollows Series)

The Pigments of My Imagination book tour resumes tomorrow!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, September 23, 2013

PIGMENTS OF MY IMAGINATION, the long awaited super natural romance is now available.

I know some people refused to believe it was happening until it was here, the day is today! Pigments of My Imagination is available here:



Barnes & Noble


Synopsis from Goodreads:
From the moment Lucia steps into Bayside Art Academy, she is fed a steady stream of lies, but it’s not until she meets William that she begins to question the people she trusts. Unraveling fact from fabrication seems impossible until Lucia finds her first painting, and discovers the dead do not lie--at least not to her.

A dozen lifetimes ago, Lucia started a war. Not a war with armies or guns, but a bloody war nonetheless. The path leading Lucia to the truth is hidden within lovely art that spans the ages. In this life, however, Lucia doesn't know where to look. Lost, she turns to the one thing she knows with certainty--she is in love with Leo, and has been before.

Today is day one of the blog tour, and it had to be at my editors blog here. Larry actually became my friend because of seeing excerpts for the book on my blog way  back in the day. I can honestly say, the book would have never been released without him. I obsessed over it, and had an awful time turning it loose. He made me. It was exactly what I needed.

While we're on the subject of the book tour, make sure you enter below to win some AWESOME prizes, including a Kindle fire. If you have won a Kindle from me in the past, it would be nice if you let someone else win ;)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Goodreads Book Giveaway! #POMI 2 *LIMITED EDITION* Paperbacks

Remember, these are the limited edition--extra large paperbacks that are only available from September-November. Get your hands on one now~

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Pigments of My Imagination by Angela Kulig

Pigments of My Imagination

by Angela Kulig

Giveaway ends October 15, 2013.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Title Reveal of the #POMI Sequel! Contest winner announcement.

Nicola Horner was the winner of the #POMI sequel word scramble for her guess:


In the sequel to Pigments of My Imagination, Leo can't really imagine a Fate worse than this... 
Officially Pigments is out the 23rd, but it should be cropping up here and there before then!
AFWTT is out later in the fall. 

Nicola, please email here. Or find me on twitter at @angelakulig so I can get your address. 

Also, there are other winners to be had. Stick close! The next few weeks are going to be a little crazy.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Well Monday, We Meet Again

I only have 2 hours left of Monday, but I will go down fighting.

This is just a friendly blog to let you know I haven't died, just returned from a month long vacation (I went on vacation earlier than planned, and last minute)! I came back, then immediately did the Three Day Novel Contest. Since I write by hand, that meant I had to type it all after that. I can no longer feel my arms, but as soon as they get to tingling I promise to update you with the winners of the last contest, as well as title announcements, and POMI announcements, and so many announcements I have run out room on my board that holds all my post-its.

I am not sure this makes any sense at all but...

Thursday, August 1, 2013


I have heard officially POMI will be done by this weekend. Look for an awesome release opportunity soon, but for now we are going to play a game! I have been going insane, waiting to tell you guys the sequel title, so here it is. Only problem is, all the letters are mixed up! You only get one clue, and it's this: The title is a turn of of phrase like Pigments of My Imagination/ Figments of My Imagination. It too is one word off, but instead of being the first word, it's the last one.

Whoever comments first with the right title wins--an ARC e-copy of Pigments before it goes on sale PLUS an autographed limited edition hardcover to be delivered sometime in September. (After I get back from vacation!) If no one guesses today, I will start adding letters in until someone does.

Since I know you love to win, you can also tweet about the word scramble for a chance at a $20 Amazon gift card. See rafflecopter below. Entry will close when the title is revealed.