When Larry first talked about WHITE PICKUPS I had to no idea what to expect from it. He told me it was paranormal, which would have made it right up my alley but I thought pffftt it doesn't LOOK like a paranormal book--oh but it is. I bought the book myself here, and it is AWESOME. Hence it's inclusion in the week of awesome. I don't even know what to say about it. I felt kind of blind going into it and I think that only added to the experience.
From Goodreads: At summer’s end, mysterious white pickup trucks take to the roads and compel nearly everyone to “drive off.” Some of those who remain gather in a suburban Atlanta subdivision, and struggle to cope with a world whose infrastructure is rapidly crumbling. One of the few who are mentally and emotionally prepared for the end of the world is Cody Sifko, a youth who quickly becomes the inspiration for the others. When a strange homeless woman names him “Father of Nations,” is she seeing his future or her own delusions? As winter and a hate group try to destroy Laurel Hills, can Cody overcome personal tragedy and seize his destiny?
Fans of the various appocolypses will really appreciate Larry's truckapypse!And Larry's women. Some guys, don't get women right at all so I am often weary of main character women from males--but it was awesome. I am going to stop talking now because I keep saying awesome, and instead let Larry answer the most AWESOME interview questions of all time.
Fess up, do you really drive a white pickup?
No, but there are two at the in-laws' farm. One has a buggered transmission, and the other overheats at the drop of a hat. So I drive them as little as possible.
In the event of a real zombie Apocalypse; which of your author friends do you think would be the slowest runner?
I'm guessing John Wiswell, because of his health. But he's worth saving, if at all possible.
When was the last time you fired a shotgun?
Not too long ago. I have a 12-gauge pump in the gun case next to my laptop desk. (No, I've never been tempted to shoot my laptop. The TV, on the other hand...)
If you were stranded on a deserted island, with no zombies and a cold drink; what Indie book would you wish you had with you?
Something long, especially if I could have only one! I've got a stack of them in my Kindle, waiting for a chance to be read.
What color do you think I should dye my hair next? Shocking blue, Purple Haze, or Wildfire?
Wildfire. I like redheads, even if I married a "dishwater" blonde. (Thus proving that looks aren't everything.)
How many books do you plan on releasing in 2013?
Three: Pickups and Pestilence, a novella that needs a name besides "Chasing a Rainbow," Accidental Sorcerers (a YA classic fantasy novella)
How may books will you release if I pester you to death about it?
Five: the above plus a sequel to Accidental Sorcerers (unnamed), and Wings: Unfurled (first of a YA contemporary fantasy trilogy) if I can get it written. I'd planned to start it about two weeks ago, so I better get crackin'.
Favorite book so far in 2012?
You mean besides mine? ;-) So far, it's the first book I read this year, Bachiyr: 33 A.D. by David McAfee. He mixed vampires and Jesus, and pulled it off. That took some brass.
If they turned your book into a movie, who would you absolutely hate to see cast in it?
Nicholas Cage. I liked most of the films I've seen him act in, but just don't see him fitting in this one.
Anything else we should know about you?
If I get no more ideas, I have enough to keep me writing through the end of 2014. At least. So if you like White Pickups, you can look forward to seeing plenty more!
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Larry on Twitter:http://twitter.com/ FARfetched58
Larry's Blog:http://farmanor.blogspot. com/
Larry on Goodreads:http://www. goodreads.com/author/show/ 5354239.Larry_Kollar
Larry on Goodreads:http://www.